Should You Get Your Teeth Whitened After Braces


Congratulations on getting straighter teeth and a beautiful smile! But wait, are you worried about yellow teeth after the braces are removed? You are not alone. Most people who are towards the end of their brace journey worry about yellow teeth and plaque build-ups, and this often steers them toward teeth whitening. But does that mean everyone should opt for teeth whitening after braces?

Well, like most things in dentistry, this completely depends on the condition of your teeth, along with some other factors. Your dentist might be the perfect person to help you determine. Now before you go rushing to your dentist, let us help you understand the pros and cons so you can make an informed decision.

The Need For Teeth Whitening

During the braces treatment, if you have taken good care of your teeth and have visited your dentist for regular cleaning sessions, chances are there is a minimum plaque build-up, but let’s be real here: brushing your teeth with braces can be a bit tough, so it is possible that there is a plaque on teeth in those hard to reach areas. Also, having braces can make your teeth a bit yellow and discolored during treatment and sometimes teeth cleaning might not be enough.

Things You Should Consider Before Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening can help you get a sparking white smile, however after braces your teeth can be a bit sensitive and teeth whitening can enhance the sensitivity. It is also important to remember that each smile is different, therefore it is important to discuss with your dentist when might be the best time to get teeth whitening after braces.

At My Smile Dental Clinic, we have Zoom teeth whitening, which can help us give you a customised experience and make your teeth whitening relaxing and long lasting.

Not sure if you should get teeth whitening after braces? Consult our expert dentist at My Smile Dental Clinic in Mumbai.